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Business Finances - Money Management Tips for Restaurants

Get a handle on your restaurant business finances with Money Management Tips

      Ready for a better way to manage money, finances and paying bills to vendors on time? Need help organizing your vendors? Want an easier way to pay and track employee payroll? Looking for ways to organize your checking account safely? Wonder where all your money is going? Need a better way to get monthly, quarterly and year end reports to file your taxes?

     Boy, were we ever happy when we found one of our most favorite tools for doing all this and more
: Intuit Quickbooks Pro.

     Within our first year in business, we grew to a million dollars in sales and that requires a tracking system to keep it going, get accurate reports and to maintain that growth.

     Trust me, I'm not an accountant but, definitely have a good working knowledge of the numbers in my business. Sometimes you need reports though.  My background is as a Chef and then restaurant owner. I had to have a way to organize my bills, track payments without digging through months of old invoices or checks and seeing all my reports to track our progress and ways to improve the finances.  I like having a checkbook and it's a necessary requirement for taxes, records and if you ever get audited by the government. Still, what I was looking for was a way to see at a glance how much of our funds go to particular areas of our business.

Quickbooks helps me enormously to management business finances and will for you too.
   Here's what we like about Quickbooks Pro and why we think you should get one if you don't have it.

Even a novice can get help with accounting and finances for business. 

1. Quickbooks uses Windows Vista which is already installed on the computer we're using for our office.
2. Easy tutorials show step by step how to set up and start using to add expenses from your checkbook to the system or you can download any spreadsheet type information in your computer already.
3. I don't really understand all the size and performance requirements of my computer but, it's easy enough to know most computers have ample space to run your own Quickbooks without getting into trouble. For more details if you want them, see them here.
4. Write a check and then add it to your Quickbooks so forms later on are up to date and easy to access and print.
5. At the end of the month, we love printing reports that give a graph and show exactly where you're spending your money. This is really useful as a way to cut expenses when you see it on a report whether it's from your utilities, miscellaneous supplies or services that you can and probably should do yourself such as cleaning or laundering for examples.
Quickbooks Pro helps with business management image courtesy of
6. I go for easy when it comes to money management - I have an assistant but, urge you to understand your own finances too otherwise, it's pretty easy for someone to rip you off right in front of your eyes!
7. Tracks sales and expenses so you can know your best customers and may help you determine menu items that you no longer want or need.
8. See monthly reports that help you and I improve our sales, reduce waste and payroll,  prep for the busiest months.
9. Make a deposit into your checking account and then add it to Quickbooks to track your account.
10. Year end reports are amazing to show how well you did with the current year compared to the prior year or years. Plus, you'll absolutely love having this ready at the click of a button on your computer to give your accountant. I can't imagine having to go through monthly reports any other way in order to get year end results.
11. Track customer emails! This new feature could help you build and grow your business with email addresses from your customers.

You might find long holds to contact customer service but, they will get there, just be patient. I've always had good luck when needing any help from their customer service department and hope you will too.

Start now to make it easier next year if you had any difficulty at all last year!!
Cheers to improving your restaurant finances and think you'll love these money management tips when you put them to use in your own business.
Read More about Making $$ in your Restaurant.
Cheers! Ask me questions or make a comment below, we love hearing from you.

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