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Relax - Taking a Break from Work

I wonder if you have time for yourself to take a break from your restaurant business? We'll share the benefits of relaxing and some of our favorite ways to relax to give you some ideas for yourself.  If you're not opened seven days a week, you have at least one day for taking a break from work to relax and I hope you do it. There are loads of tasks that always need done or checked in your business but how about some time for you. Here are some of the benefits to relaxing and my best ideas to make it happen.

     Benefits of Relaxing:

          *Rest the muscles and joints - daily work causes strain and pain to the joints and muscles with more of a potential for injury and simply taking a break from the routine of work will allow those muscles to rest.
          *Sleep helps the body to rejuvenate the cells for healing and regrowth.
          *Clear the mind - relaxing helps us to take our minds off of the simple worry and stress of everyday business and focus on something completely different or simply nothing at all.
          * Improve relationships at home - it's true that all work and no play cause stress and relationship problems so by simply taking a break from your work routine, you can enjoy your partner, wife or husband more.
          * Reduce stress from the constant hustle and bustle of business.

       Some of our Favorite Ways to Relax:
          * Sleep in! One of the best things you can do for your body and mind is to get the sleep your body has been missing since you work so much in your restaurant. Don't set the clock, just allow your body to wake up naturally when it's ready. Don't be surprised when you first start to do this if you sleep for your entire day off. That's okay, it's your body's way of saying that you needed the sleep.
          * Take a hot bath and soak your sore and aching muscles. Add some relaxing oils or oatmeal for a soothing relief that your body will love you for if you soak for at least 20 minutes. I enjoy my time away when I get alone in the bath and sometimes even nap there... My wife wrote Pamper Yourself to Reduce Stress so check it out for ideas that you can use.
          * Take a walk or jog - if you're not in the habit of exercising, start by walking for at least twenty to thirty minutes.
          * Stretch - even if you're not into a major workout, stretching out the arms, legs and back is really good for the body and will feel good too. Stretching helps to elongate the muscles to reduce the chance of injuries and when you add long deep breaths, oxygen helps to relieve stress. 
          * Golf - my personal favorite! I don't mind golfing alone or if I can get together with some buddies. Either way, a round of golf soothes and relaxes me even if my game isn't perfect, although I'm pretty good!/ Golfing or other hobbies are also a great way to meet with a potential client/customer, getting to know them or closing a deal. Get out and play soon.
          * Watch your favorite sports or television shows - football and golf for me is super relaxing and I often fall asleep during them so next up is:
          * Nap! It does a body good and on your day off, take advantage of nap times as great stress relief as well as allowing the body to heal and rev up for the next big day of work.
          * Reading - can be very relaxing and a good way to catch up on the latest information in the restaurant business, new menu ideas or other business information. Check out some of our favorite books for restaurants so stay on top of tips for always improving your business.
          * Go out for a meal - it's nice to let someone else do the cooking for a change and it also leaves the mess behind so you won't have a dirty/messy kitchen to clean up afterwards. You'll also get a chance to see what other restaurants are doing, how busy they are and it might inspire a new creative idea for your own restaurant.
          * Meditate - simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing does a body and mind a lot of good and is something we highly recommend for you as a healthy way to relax.
          * Pray - make it a daily part of your routine. We all need all the help we can get when we delve into the restaurant business!

   I hope you'll take some time for yourself to take a break, relax and help your body and mind to reduce stress and worry. There's plenty of time for that again tomorrow but, today is your day. Take advantage of it by taking a break from work and get everyone at home on board with your new game plan.

     Let us know your favorite way to relax and take a break from it all.
Read more successful restaurant tips here.


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